
Nattokinase - An Enzyme Found in Natto

Nattokinase (pronounced "naw-toe-kie-nase").

Natto contains vitamins and enzymes beneficial for our bodies and nattokinase (NK) is one of the nutrients that makes these stringy, sticky beans a micronutrient powerhouse.

To teach you more about NK found in natto I set out to answer these questions:

  1. What is NK?
  2. What does NK do?
  3. How much NK in a package of Natto?

Disclaimer: All the information in this article is published in good faith and for general information purpose only.  If you wish to read in more detail about nattokinase, you can follow the links in the "Sources" section in this article.

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What is Nattokinase?

What is Nattokinase?

Nattokinase is an enzyme that is found only in natto (1).

By fermenting boiled soybeans with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis natto, nattokinase and other vitamins and minerals are created.

NK, found in the stringy, sticky part of natto, is extremely beneficial to our blood vessels and to our immune system.

Simply Natto:  Natto Lingo

Simply Natto:  A Natto Lover's Language Corner - Let's Practice Japanese



Japanese:  "naw-toe-key-naw-zey"

English:  "naw-toe-kie-nase"

- nattokinase (an enzyme found in natto)




(slightly roll the "r" in "roo")

- ferment

What does Nattokinase do?

What Does Nattokinase Do?

Nattokinase is a powerful enzyme that helps to (1):

  1. dissolve blood clots (lyse thrombus)
  2. lower blood pressure
  3. promote a good balance of bacteria in the gut thereby strengthening our immune system

Blood clots in our veins are dangerous.

They disrupt the flow of blood through our vascular system and cause health issues such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.

By breaking down and reversing thrombus, healthy blood flow can be maintained and our cardiovascular system can operate as intended.

This is where nattokinase helps out.

According to Dr. Hiroyuki Sumi (a.k.a. Dr. Natto) "There is no enzyme that has a stronger fibrinolytic activity than nattokinase (2)." 

Want to see this enzyme in action?

The Japan NattoKinase Association website has a diagram visually showing nattokinase breaking down thrombus in a period of six hours.

Scroll down to the heading "Degradation of Artificial Thrombus by Nattokinase" and you'll see six images showing results from hour zero to hour six (3).

It's amazing what nattokinase can do.

This enzyme plays such an important role for our cardiovascular system and our immune system that our heart, blood vessels, and gut are jumping for joy over this nutrient. 

So "high-five" to nattokinase and a huge shout-out to natto.

These stringy, sticky beans just keep on proving why they're a micronutrient powerhouse.

How much Nattokinase in a package of natto?

How Much Nattokinase in a Package of Natto

Natto in Japan is generally sold commercially in 40 - 50g styrofoam packages.

The amount of nattokinase in one package varies from 1400FU - 2000FU, with an average amount being approximately 1500FU (3).

(To measure the enzymatic activity of nattokinase, Fibrin Degradation Unit (FU) is used.)

The recommended amount of nattokinase is more than 2000FU per day (3) and one package of natto gives you about 75% needed in a day.

That's pretty cool.

Natto just keeps on giving!

Now what if you want to get closer to, or actually reach, the daily recommended amount? 

Since natto is the only food source of nattokinase here are a few ideas:

Idea #1:  Eat an additional package of natto (or half of one).

If one package has an average of 1500FU of nattokinase, then you'd get potentially 3000FU in a day. 

By eating half of an additional package, then you'd get approximately 2250FU in a day.

Great! Problem solved!

Well, yes and no.

Yes, if you eat 1.5 - 2 packages of natto in a day you can consume the recommended daily amount of nattokinase.

The downside (or the "no") to this approach is that eating too much natto on a daily basis could upset your system.

Some things to consider:

Combined with other healthy and nutritious foods, many people in Japan (including myself) feel that one package of sticky, stringy beans a day is sufficient.

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

Natto is a probiotic, and as I mentioned a moment ago, consuming too much of this fermented goodness on a daily basis could over-activate your gut.

Start out by eating it a few times a week and see how your body reacts.

If you don't notice any changes to your system then add an additional day and see how you react.

Work up to the amount of days in a week that you want to eat natto and then slowly add a bit more of these sticky beans to your meals each time you eat them.

This is just one approach though, so make any adjustments that you deem necessary.

After all, you're the best judge of your system and how you're feeling.

Idea #2:  Take a Nattokinase Supplement

If you like to know the exact amount of nattokinase you're getting each day, or you're unable to eat 1.5 - 2 packages of natto per day, then taking a supplement would be advantageous for you.

Even if you enjoy eating natto, just not everyday, then adding a supplement to your daily routine can also help you to reach the daily recommended dosage of nattokinase.

Check with your local supplement store or do a search online to see what types of NK supplements are available.

Life Extension has various vitamin and mineral supplements available that are high in quality and potency, and they ship their products worldwide.

Amazon carries numerous brands on their site and they can be a good place to start your research as well.

So do your research and talk with a physician or qualified healthcare professional to determine which nattokinase supplement would be best for you.

What to do next?

Get nattokinase in your diet by enjoying these traditional recipe ideas for eating natto.

Or if you'd rather try something else, these unique sauce & spice recipe ideas are a tasty way to go.

To learn more about natto and the health benefits it provides, this article is a must read.

Keep up with the latest Natto Goodness by following Simply Natto on social media


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